Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today in prayer time, along with the Battle Ready Prayer in Monica e-mailed to me, I received a revelation of the amazing and powerful Love of God for us all. God wishes none should perish, but all have everlasting life. That prayer covers all of the issues you could imagine. It's wonderful, thank you my dear friend.

Today also after lunch I'm listening to a message from the Providence Church in West Chester on Philippians. Paul was actually in a Roman prison, chained to a guard and is having a joyful memory of being among the Philippian people and what a wonderful experience it was for him. Can you imagine being in a Roman prison in chains (which Paul mentions numerous times in that book) and having joy at a memory of someone. That is what God and the Holy Spirit provide to us when we remain thankful and exhibit gratitude. It's awesome to me in quiet moments when I actually calm and still my spirit enough to actually "get it".

Unfortunatly too often in our modern society we are hurried, rushed and in a rote posture. When we are finally still those moments become quite valuable and healing in my personal experience.

Have a wonderful day! Be blessed.